A GPA is a student’s grade point average, calculated by taking the total number of points they have received in all their classes and dividing it by the number of hours they have been enrolled in. For example, if you have taken five classes and received 120 points out of 250 possible (480), it will be a 2.0 GPA (120/480).
The Importance of GPA
It’s important to note that although your average GPA is based on your class performance and attendance, it doesn’t reflect whether or not you learned what was taught in class. For example, if you’re taking an AP course but don’t understand the curriculum well enough to pass an exam without cramming for hours beforehand or, worse yet, fail because no one reminded them about impending deadlines, that won’t reflect well on your high school transcript or future college applications.
However, with our easy-to-use GPA calculator app below, calculating each semester’s GPA has never been easier. You can count your GPA point whether it’s:
- 6 GPA,
- 5 GPA
- 4 GPA,
- 2 GPA,
- 3 GPA,
- or even a 5 GPA
Use it to see how your GPA compares to the average GPA for your school, major, or age group.
Few Words about GPA and GPA Scale
Have you ever wondered what your GPA is? Or, maybe, you’ve heard the term thrown around and want to know what it means for your future.
It can be tricky to calculate your GPA, so here’s an example: If you took three classes with two Bs and one C, your GPA would be 2.33 (3 x 2 Bs + 1 x C = 6; 6 / 3 = 2.33).
The good news about GPA is that it doesn’t just apply to college students — it’s also used for high school students thinking about college. Knowing your GPA early on will help you figure out what schools are a good fit for you academically when it comes time for applications.
Terms to Know before Measuring GPA
During your high school or college years, you might hear terms such as weighted or unweighted GPA, Magna cum laude, or summa cum laude. Let’s talk about them separately.
Weighted GPA: What is it?
Weighted GPA considers the student’s grades and the problem of the classes. This system seeks to offer a more accurate picture of a student’s academic achievements. Honors, AP, and International Baccalaureate (IB) classes are some of the most difficult alternatives offered to high school students. An A in an AP course corresponds to a higher GPA than an A in a regular course in a weighted system.
A weighted GPA system at your high school indicates that the institution provided challenging coursework. Therefore, your GPA reveals if you utilized the harder material.
Unweighted GPA: What is it?
An unweighted GPA measures the average grade a student receives in each subject without considering the difficulty level. An A in a normal course has the same GPA as an A in an advanced course under the unweighted method. As a result, a student who takes standard-level courses and earns all A’s can have a higher total GPA than a student who takes advanced-level courses and earns a mix of A’s and B’s. The difficulty of the student’s advanced courses is not considered, in contrast to a weighted GPA.
Magna cum laude GPA: What is it?
Students who graduate “with great distinction” are offered the honorific Magna cum laude. In terms of Latin accolades, it is the second-highest. The qualifications vary by institution, but it’s often prearranged for students who rank in the top 6–15% of their course or who have a 3.7 GPA or 3.8 GPA or, in other words, B+GPA or  A- GPA.
Summa cum laude GPA: What is it?
The greatest academic honor, summa cum laude, which translates to “with the highest honor,” is given to learners who rank in the top one percent of their class or have a 3.9 to 4.0 GPA. The prerequisites for summa cum laude can differ by institution and department, just as the magna cum laude distinction.
Usually, enrolling in honors programs at your high schools, such as advanced placement (AP) or international baccalaureate (IB) classes, is the only opportunity to get a grade above 4.0.
How to Calculate GPA?
Calculating your GPA is a simple process that we have made even easier! Our easy-to-use 5.0 GPA scale calculator will help you figure out the grade point average for high school and college students. All you require to do is enter your course grades and the number of units taken in each class and then press the calculate button. You’ll get an accurate result immediately — no more having to do the math!
Why Might We Be Helpful?
If you’re a student and want to know your average high school GPA, you’ve come to the best place. Our best essay writing service have an online GPA calculator: middle school edition that will tell you exactly what it takes to get a 4.0 at any college or university in the US.
You might be wondering why you’d need a grade calculator with extra credit if there’s one in your school’s office. Well, think about this: when was your school’s last blizzard? Or maybe, they have a computer crash? If one of those things happens, it’s great that there’s an online option for students like you. The other thing about getting your GPA from GradeMiners is that we’re always available, even if we’re closed for holidays or weekends! We never close our doors on you, so if you need help with homework or want to see how well you’re doing in class, we’ll be here for you every step.
Final Thoughts on Our GPA Calculator
You may be wondering how reliable this tool is. Don’t worry! We’ve put a lot of effort into ensuring the calculator works for everyone, even if they don’t have much math experience. It’s easy to use and incredibly accurate — enter your GPA, hit “Calculate,” and voila! You’ll have a clear idea of where things stand!